How COVID-19 has impacted my New Year’s Resolution Goals

This is my quarterly update (April 2020) and explains how COVID-19 has impacted my New Year’s Resolution goals both in positive and negative ways.


As detailed in Tips to make your New Year’s Resolution Goals Successful, I am approaching this year differently to tackle my New Year goals.  

The main elements involve writing the goals down and sharing them with others if they are involved.  In addition, not hesitating to open up the pocketbook to get started on the goals immediately.

If you are still pursuing your goals, this will hopefully provide you motivation to keep going.  We can do this together!

 Now onto the goals.

Personal Goals

These are my goals focused on improving personal health and sleep.

1. Get to Sleep every night before 10:30pm
COVID-19 Impact: Neutral
Goal Progress: Complete

For me, Good Nights Rest = Happy Dad.  After a long multi-year struggle as described in Sleep Training Methods that work, we finally managed to get our youngest to sleep through the night.  This magical moment happened in Mid-February.  

The combination of getting to bed at a good time and being able to sleep through the night uninterrupted has been a game changer for me. So happy!

2. No Caffeine post-lunch
COVID-19 Impact: Neutral 
Goal Progress: Complete

This goal was closely tied to not getting a good night of sleep.  Since that has been remediated, extra caffeine is no longer needed post-lunch. Mission accomplished!

3. No surfing on phone from 11pm – 6am
COVID-19 Impact: Negative
Goal Progress: Suspended

This goal continues with the theme of my youngest randomly waking me up at night. As a result, many times I would not be able to get back to sleep.  Thus, I would surf on my phone.

Although less frequent, I continue to wake up 1-2 times a week due to worrying about COVID-19.  I will focus on working on this and hopefully this goal improves as the pandemic subsides.

4. Lose 10 pounds by July 2020 (Requires $) 
COVID-19 Impact: Positive
Goal Progress:  Not yet there

I am happy to report I’m down by 5 pounds!  

Thanks to COVID-19, we have limited our fast food intake.  Eating home-cooked meals and brisk walks with the kids have helped.  To knock off the remaining 5 pounds, I need to kick it up a notch.

As an Amazon Associate, I will receive a small commission if you purchase any of the recommended items below.

In January, I invested in a workout bench and Power Blocks weight-lifting set.  I will have to incorporate this and the treadmill to knock out the last 5 pounds.

power bench set and exercise bench
Exercise Equipment calling my name

Family Goals

These goals are focused on being a good Dad and spending more time with the family.

1. No Electronics at the table
COVID-19 Impact: Positive
Goal progress: Complete but with caveats

In the past, I would be available for ‘urgent’ work calls even during dinner time. In addition, sometimes I would have one eye glued on my phone checking emails. 

The fix to this was putting the phone in another room during dinner time.  I also set the expectations with colleagues that I will be off the grid during this time.

The one exception to no electronics at dinner has been using Facetime.  Since all of us have been sheltering at home, it has been good for the kids to converse with the Grandparents more frequently over FaceTime.

2. Limit Facebook & Sports News Surfing to max 30 minutes per day
COVID-19 Impact: Neutral  
Goal Progress: Suspended

Over the last month, I have been averaging 4-5 hrs per week for these apps vs the 3.5 hour limit I have set.  

Apple Screen Time Activity
Apple provides ability to track app usage (screenshot of Screen Time activity)

My sports surfing is way down due to sports being put on hold.  However, Facebook has filled this gap and more.  

Facebook has been a good outlet to keep up with friends during this pandemic.  Thus, I’m giving myself leniency for the time being and will double down on this goal once sheltering at home ends.

3. 1 New Family Event Together per Month (Requires $)
COVID-19 Impact: Neutral  
Goal Progress:  Not yet there

We were off to a good start such as the kids learning how to ski in February.  I had grand plans to do much more until COVID-19 hit our area.

Overall, the purpose of this goal was to spend more time together as a family.  This has been achieved.  We have been doing a lot of outside and home activities as in 15 Home Kid Activity Ideas.

4. 1 Hour per Day interacting with Kids
COVID-19 Impact: Positive
Goal Progress: Complete

In the past, we struggled during the weekdays to spend 1 hour interacting with the kids.  The typical night would involve picking up the kids from daycare and school, eat dinner and then putting them to sleep.  

With sheltering at home, the pendulum has shifted so much that I wish I could get just 1 hour per day to myself.  This goal has been completed and hopefully in the future there will be more of a balance.

Career Goals

These goals are focused on developing leadership and team-building skills for my career.

1. Listen to 1 Audio Book per Month (Requires $) 
COVID-19 Impact: Negative
Goal progress: Suspended

This was something I had started at the end of last year and wanted to continue into this year.  During car rides to work, I would listen to audio books and be able to finish one over 2-3 week period.

My car time has been cut to a minimum like everyone else.  Instead of audio books, I have shifted to listening to the radio as a way to connect with the outside world.

I will resume audio books once sheltering at home ends.

2. Network with either current or previous colleague 2 times a month
COVID-19 Impact: Positive
Goal Progress: Complete

This has been an easy one to achieve.  I have been leveraging technology like LinkedIn to connect with current and previous colleagues.

Due to the pandemic, I think everyone is happy to hear from others and catch-up.  

3. Head into the office at least 1 day per week
COVID-19 Impact: Negative
Goal Progress: Suspended

I will definitely not hold firm to this goal at this point.  Due to the health risk, I will also not be first in line to head back into the office.  

Community Goals

These goals are focused on lending a helping hand in the community.

1. Max out the $1,000 Company-match Charity Program (Requires $)
COVID-19 Impact: Negative
Goal Progress: On Target

Due to this goal, I have been a lot more generous with charity contributions.  My company has also doubled the impact by matching my contributions.

No one knows how long this pandemic will last.  With each week, unemployment skyrockets (CNBC reports more than 26 million have filed for unemployment during the last 5 weeks). Sadly, deaths continue to rise due to COVID-19 (CNN reports over 200k worldwide deaths).

This is the time to help those less fortunate.  Thus, I will help as much as I can.

2. Volunteer 4 times in 2020
COVID-19 Impact: Negative
Goal Progress: On Target

In January, I organized a volunteer work event.  This was both fun and gratifying to know that our effort would help feed many kids.

volunteer event
Volunteering for a good cause

Unfortunately, the next volunteer event scheduled in March was cancelled due to COVID-19.  I will look for other ways to help such as replacing volunteering with donations in the near-term.


Being an analytical person, it has been interesting to see how COVID-19 has impacted my New Year’s Resolution Goals.

How COVID-19 has impacted New Year’s Resolution Goals

  • Personal Goals: Minimal impact and I have made significant progress on my sleep goals.
  • Family Goals: Positive impact as sheltering at home has given us extra time to spend together.
  • Career Goals: Both positive and negative impact.  Some goals are suspended until our sheltering at home ends.
  • Community Goals: Very negative impact as lives and jobs are being lost. Donate and Contribute as much as you can!

For those that have kept up with their New Year Resolution’s goals, Good Job!  Let’s keep this up together!

About DadMBA: Through his schooling (he does have a MBA) & more importantly being a Dad, he has provided practical advice to family & friends on finances & other life topics.  He loves helping others thus the creation of DadMBA.