Best Leadership Books for New Leaders

This article provides recommendations for the best leadership books for new leaders.  In addition, you will get book highlights to help gain insight on the content to prioritize which ones to read first.

According to this Harvard business review article (Why people really quit their jobs), people don’t quit a job, they quit a boss.  Thus, it is very important to have self-awareness of your impact on your employees.

One way to develop leadership skills is to learn from others.  Not only were these books chosen for their educational value but also due to the storytelling aspect.

I hope you enjoy these books as much as I did. In addition, I believe these books will grow your career.

To Read or To Listen

My Director steered me to audio books where in the past I had been a book reader.  By downloading books to my smart phone, I love the flexibility to listen literally anytime and anywhere. 

For me, I have found traveling to and from work to be the best period to listen to books. Typically, audio books take about 7-9 hours to complete.  Thus, I am able to complete a book in about 2-3 weeks.

I recommend getting an audio book membership from Audible. The technology is easy to use. You will also get the added benefit of purchasing audio books at a discounted price.

As an Amazon Associate, I will receive a small commission if you purchase any of the recommended items below.

Leadership Books for New Leaders

1. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Carol Dweck)

Audio Option

Book Highlights:

This book provides insight on the “Growth Mindset”.  This mindset can be applied to not only your work, but for sports, school, and nearly every facet of our life.

On the family front, I immediately started applying Dweck’s concepts as a parent. As detailed in the article Growth Mindset: Why this is important for your Kids, I want my kids to develop the growth mindset to be able to overcome failure and setbacks in the future, and instill a work hard mentality.

2. Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration (Ed Catmull)

Audio Option

Book Highlights:

Unless you have lived in a blackhole over the last 20 years, you have likely seen numerous Pixar movies like Toy Story, Monsters, Inc, WALL-E and others.  The author talks about how he created an environment that encouraged creativity, innovation and collaboration.

This book also dives into how Pixar merged with Disney and overcame challenges like culture clash.  The topic was very enjoyable due to the Pixar storyline.

3. Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity (Kim Scott)

Audio Option

Book Highlights:

As a new leader, one of the important focus areas is providing constructive feedback to your team.  The author’s advice helps you reinforce good behavior and strategies to course-correct your employees when needed.

In the long run, this will help you challenge and get the best of your employees. Best of all, doing this in a way to not negatively impact their morale.

4. Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. (Brene Brown)

Audio Option

Book Highlights:

The author’s claim to fame was her TedTalk, The power of vulnerability.  To me, being vulnerable helps foster a personal connection by being authentic and genuine.  In turn, this breaks down barriers and develops stronger relationships with your employees.

Brown is a dynamic storyteller.  I recommend watching her Netflix special: the Call to Courage (Watch Official Trailer) as a starting point.  Afterwards, dive into this book to develop a greater understanding around the topic.

5. Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders (L. David Marquet)

Audio Option

Book Highlights:

David Marquet broke the mold of a normal submarine Captain empowering his crew to lead at every level. This resulted in his team achieving top performance, higher retention rates, and cultivating many future leaders from his ship.

After reading this book, my wife’s colleague was inspired to immediately change her leadership style.  The author teaches you how to move from a traditional leader/follower model to a leader/leader model. The benefits are faster decision making and elevating the entire performance of the group.

6. Winners Dream: A Journey from Corner Store to Corner Office (Bill McDermott)

Audio Option

Book Highlights:

This is McDermott’s life story starting with his humble beginnings as a paperboy and rising to the rank of CEO at a high-tech software company.

McDermott provides valuable nuggets for you to be successful in the corporate world such as being customer-centric, and ways to inspire your team to exceed expectations.

7. Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t (Simon Sinek)

Audio Option

Book Highlights:

This book provides numerous examples of how to build an enduring strong company. It also details how poor leadership can quickly destroy a company.

Sinek provides eye-opening examples in areas such as the military, big business, government and investment banking.


These books are my recommended Best Leadership Books for New Leaders.

As a new manager, my goals are to inspire my team to do their best and empower them to be highly successful.  One day, I aspire to hear the golden words of being the ‘best boss ever’.

These leadership books are a good start to gain self-awareness, learn from the experiences of others, and develop skills to help you become a great leader.

About DadMBA: Through his schooling (he does have a MBA) & more importantly being a Dad, he has provided practical advice to family & friends on finances & other life topics.  He loves helping others thus the creation of DadMBA.